MHRA Communications Strategy
Summer 2005 - April 2007

an Agency-wide approch to communications



The MHRA's communications strategy "in a nutshell"

Get going - build infrastructure and internal awareness
Get known - increase recognition and differentiation from other organisations
Get out there - ensuring that the information we deliver is widely available
and readily accessible
Get listening- ensure that communication is genuinely two-way

Get trusted - continue to do all of this consistently, no matter how hard it may
be on any given issue.


The Agency's current mission statement is:

"To enhance and safeguard the public's health by ensuring that medicines and medical devices meet the required standards of safety and effectiveness in use".

The Agency recognises that it can only fully succeed in enhancing and safeguarding health if it ensures that high quality, timely and accurate information is widely available to inform decisions about the use of medicines and medical devices. Improving communications is therefore "mission critical" for the Agency.

The current business and corporate plans reflect the high priority which the Agency is giving to developing its communications in support of this mission, including an explicit objective in this year's business plan:

"Engage proactively with the public and healthcare professionals, in particular promoting understanding of risk and drawing attention to the dangers of Internet sales, positioning this work in the development and agreement by July 2005 of a wider two-year communications strategy containing actions that will be completed by March 2006."

The aim of MHRA Communications activity over the period up to 1st April 2007 is therefore:

To ensure that the MHRA's work in promoting and protecting public health is
recognised, by demonstrating how we regulate effectively and by making
trusted information available, effectively and promptly