1.21 Publications
Social Audit reports (books, pamphlets, and papers) are listed in larger type; others can be obtained only from the sources indicated. Titles in blue can be ordered via this site; others are either in very short supply or altogether out of print. Please enquire about these before ordering.
Medawar C., The
Antidepressant Web - Marketing depression and making medicines work. The
current version can be viewed and/or downloaded from this site
(http://www.socialaudit.org.uk). The original printed version, published in International
Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine (1997) can also be ordered either from
Social Audit or from the publishers, IOS Press.
Medawar C, Drug education materials for children - are they good enough?
in Proc. USP Open Conference, Reston, Va., Sep 29 - Oct 1, 1996; Children &
Medicines: Information isn't just for grown-ups, available from US Pharmacopeia, 12601
Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, Md 20852, USA.
Medawar C, Secrecy and medicines. Int J Risk & Safety in Medicine 1996, 9, 133-141.
Medawar C, Defining risk and patients' perceptions of risk, in Proc. USP
Open Conference, Communicating risks to patients, Washington DC, 1994; available
from US
Pharmacopeia, 12601 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, Md 20852, USA.
Medawar C, Strictly Confidential Transparency, SCRIP Magazine, May 1994, 18-19.
Medawar C., Through the doors of deception? Nature 24 March 1994, 368, 369-370.
Medawar C. Memorandum and evidence, in Minutes of Evidence on Priority Setting in the NHS, 27 January 1994, House of Commons Health Committee, London: HMSO, 1994, 203-228.
Medawar C, Drugs, secrecy and society (editorial), BMJ, 9 Jan 1993, 306:6870, 81-82.
Medawar C, Medicines Information Bill (letter), Lancet, 8 May 1993, 1219.
Medawar C, UK medicines information - obstacles to openness, SCRIP Magazine, April 1993, 3-4.
Medawar C, Drug information (letter; comment)s, Lancet, 11 December 1993, 342:8885, 1490-1491.
Medawar C, Can you trust medicine? 'Opinion' programme, BBC Radio 4, 8 October 1992.
Medawar C, Pharmaceutical Feuds (Book review), Nature, 357, 25 June 1992, 651-652.
Medawar C, EC Medicines Agency (letter), Lancet, 340, 5 December 1992, 1415.
Medawar C, Drugs and secrecy, THS, December 1992, 11.
Rassaby E, Medawar C, Spontaneous reporting of adverse reactions to psychiatric drugs (letter), Lancet, March 14 1992, 339:8794, 677.
Medawar C, Power and Dependence - Social Audit on the safety of medicines. London: Social Audit, 1992. Click to see Reviews.
Medawar C, Rassaby E, Triazolam overdose, alcohol and manslaughter, Lancet, 338, 14 December 1991, 1515-1516.
Medawar C, EC Medicines Agency (letter), Lancet, 5 Dec 1992, 340:8832, 1415.
Medawar C, What we know we don't know, Chapter in Mitchell C (ed), Vision and Values for Pharmaceutical Innovation, Palo Alto, Alza Conference Series 3, 1990, 123-139.
Winfield M, Minding your own business - self-regulation and whistleblowing in British Companies, London: Social Audit, 1990. Click here to order:
Medawar C, On our side of the fence (Side Effects of Drugs Essay) in Dukes MNG, Beeley L (eds), Side Effects of Drugs Annual, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1989.
Medawar C, Professional drug information - a consumer perspective, Chapter in Horsberger B, Dinkel R (eds), The Perception and Management of Drug Safety Risks, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 1989.
Medawar C, Patient package inserts, drug information and liability issues: a consumer view, in Bogaert M et al (eds), Patient Package Insert as a source of drug information; Amsterdam: Exerpta Medica, 1989; International Congress Series 853, 81-87.
Medawar C, Data sheets - a consumer perspective, Lancet, 2 April 1988, 777-778.
Medawar C, Rassaby E, Herxheimer A, Mianserin (letter), Lancet, 28 Jan 1989, 1:8631, 220.
Medawar C, Failings of the pharmaceutical industry, Pharmaceutical Medicine, 1987, 2, 259-263.
Medawar C, Observations on the UK Government's 1987 Study of Control of Medicines (16pp pamphlet), London: Social Audit, 1987.
Ridley H, Drugs of choice - a report on drug formularies used in NHS hospitals, London: Social Audit, 1986.
Medawar C, One drug at a time - a report on the limitations of fixed-ratio combination drugs, The Hague: International Organisation of Consumers Unions, 1986.
Medawar C, No news, good news? SCRIP, 10 December 1986, 18-19.
Medawar C, Weeping crocodile tears for the pharmaceutical industry (book review), Brit Med J, 291, 14 September 1985, 730.
Gilbert D, Report on investment in the UK tobacco industry, London: British Medical Association, 1985.
Medawar C, International regulation of the supply and use of pharmaceuticals, Development Dialogue, 1985, 2, 15-37.
Herxheimer A, Collier J, Rawlins MD, Shonhofer P, Medawar C, Melrose D, Bannenberg W, Beardshaw V, Butazones under fire (letter), Lancet, 9 Mar 1985, 1:8428, 580.
Medawar C, The Wrong kind of medicine? (Book, 221pp), London: Consumers Association and Hodder & Stoughton, 1984.
Medawar C, Drugs and world health (booklet 64pp), The Hague: International Organisation of Consumers Unions, 1984.
Medawar C, The WHO and the pharmaceutical industry (16pp pamphlet), Amsterdam: Health Action International, 1982.
Medawar C, Freese B, Drug Diplomacy: decoding the conduct of a multinational pharmaceutical company and the failure of a western remedy for the third world, London: Social Audit, 1982.
Medawar C, A briefing on the Bangladeshi Drug Ordinance (16pp pamphlet), Amsterdam: Health Action International, 1982.
Medawar C, Freese B, Drug multinationals in the third world, Business & Society Review, Summer 1981, 38, 22-24.
Freese B, Medawar C, Herxheimer A, No more Lomotil for infants (letter), Lancet, 10 Oct 1981, 2:8250, 816-817.
Beardshaw V, Conscientious Objectors at Work: mental hospital nurses, a case study, London: Social Audit, 1981.
Frankel M, Chemical Risk - a worker's guide to chemical hazards and data sheets, London: Pluto Press, 1981.
Frankel M, A Word of Warning - the quality of chemical suppliers' health and safety information, London: Social Audit, 1981.
Medawar C, Bad information means bad medicine, Medical World, 119, November/December 1981, 5-8.
Medawar C, Drug Disinformation, (80pp pamphlet), London: Social Audit, 1980.
Medawar C, Parliamentary questions and answers, (30pp pamphlet), London: Social Audit, 1980.
Medawar C, Insult or Injury? An enquiry into the marketing and advertising of British food and drug products in the third world (150pp paperback), London: Social Audit, 1979.
Medawar C, Consumers of Power - a report on lack of accountability in the London Electricity Board, London: Social Audit, 1979.
Phillips AWP, A review of the Bingham Report, a reappraisal of the evidence of illegal supply of oil to Rhodesia under UDI, London: Social Audit, 1978.
Medawar C, The Social Audit Consumer Handbook - a guide to the social responsibilities of business to the consumer, London: Macmillan, 1978.
Frankel M, The Social Audit Pollution Handbook - a layperson's guide to toxic hazards in the workplace and beyond, London: Macmillan, 1978.
Between 1973 and 1976, our reports were published mainly in the journal, Social Audit, A few copies are still available, but most are out of print. Main reports related to: Avon Rubber Company Ltd; Coalite & Chemical Products Ltd; The Alkali Inspectorate; Tube Investments Ltd; Shareholder resolutions on social issues; Cable & Wireless Ltd; Advertising - the art of the permissible; Arms, exports and industry; company law reform; the politics of secrecy; and the case for a social audit. Details on request.