Department of Health
Market Towers 1 Nine Elms Lane London SW8 5NQ
Telephone 0171-273 0678
Facsimile 0171- 273 0353 .
25 February 2000

Dear Mr Medawar,

As promised I am enclosing details about the actual standards of paper used. I apologise, on behalf of the print services department, for them taking so long to get back to myself. Please be assured that I have been regularly chasing them on your behalf and that I had no further news to give you on 2 December on this subject.

Please also let me take this opportunity to set the records straight, as I have not recently had a promotion. I am an Information Pharmacist that heads up the Information Centre at the MCA and have done so for the last six years. I normally use my professional qualification in written replies rather than my actual job title as I feel it better describes my role.

Returning to the paper standards the Department has a contract with the Alliance Paper Group to supply its paper. They commit that as part of their environmental strategy to work closely with their supply mills to ensure they comply with all current EEC standards regarding environmental qualifications. I enclose a copy of their Environmental Brochure setting out their strategy. They are committed to an Eco Management and Audit Scheme set up by the European Community and I also enclose an explanation.

Alliance Paper Group are part of Metsa Serla Oy Group and I enclose their latest Environmental Report together with the latest Finnish Forest Industries Federation Environmental Report.

I hope you find these reports answer your questions and once again apologise for the delay in getting hold of them for you. 

Yours sincerely
Ms Diane Leakey
Information Pharmacist


Contents page
List of MCA/CSM Correspondence