Social Audit Ltd
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The Baroness Jay of Paddington
Minister of State for Health
Richmond House, Whitehall,
London SW1 4 June 1998

Dear Baroness Jay,

Your Ref: POH(6)1689/1342

Thank you for your letter dated 6 May in response to my letter to Mr Dobson of 12 March. I delayed writing back to you in the hope that Dr Jones might by now have credibly fulfilled your expectation that he had replied to matters I raised in correspondence with him. Not so.

I have been repeatedly told, on the one hand, that there is no cause for concern and, on the other hand, that a review is in progress. Nearly four months have elapsed since I wrote to the MCA requesting some very basic information about the terms of this review. Dr Jones refused to disclose this and the whole issue is now bogged down in a complaints procedure which has proved to be anything but as speedy and efficient as the Agency claims.

The enclosed letter to Dr Jones (3rd June) will give you some idea of the present state of play. I should be grateful for anything you might feel able to do to encourage the MCA to play fair. Thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,
Charles Medawar


Contents page
Correspondence with government