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The Rt. Hon. Dr. David Clark MP
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
The Cabinet Office, Great George Street
London SWIP 3AL 27 December 1997

Dear Dr. Clarke,

I am writing to acknowledge your letter of 16th December, also to thank you for sending me the White Paper on Freedom of Information and your consultation paper on QUANGOS. I was indeed reassured by the scope and thrust of your White Paper proposals. For 25 years I have been waiting and pressing for reform in this area, and was delighted you should now be planning such an important initiative.

I do nevertheless think there are some very sticky bits, especially in relation to the proposals relating to commercial confidentiality. I shall therefore be preparing a short formal response to your consultation. In the meantime, I would want to be counted with the many others who have offered congratulations, and wish you every success in turning these proposals into law.

Yours sincerely,

Charles Medawar


Contents page
Correspondence with government