5.3  A "true & fair view"? Yes?

Comments here may relate to any of the essential propositions in this paper, and/or add to underlying evidence or clarify interpretations. To help sort and search, messages may (or not) be prefaced by any of these key words:

DRUG - antidepressant: abuse - actions - advertising - benefits - clinical trials - consumption - dependence - effects - evaluation - experience - long-term effectiveness - prescribing - promotion - regulation - risk - SSRIs - use - warnings - withdrawal
ACTORS: GPs - psychiatrists - Royal Colleges - pharmaceutical companies - government regulation - MCA - CSM - press/media - people, patients and consumers.
ISSUES: Standards - responsibilities - accountability - information - interpretation - bias - corruption - communication - power - dependence - money - culture of medicine - spirit of science
DEPRESSION: Definition of - Nature of - Significance of - Experience of - being Treated for - Treating - Non-Drug treatment - Defeat Depression Campaign

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Contents page
Section 5 - Discussion