5.3 YES, a true and fair view?

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From: mandi
Date: 21/06/03
Time: 11:23:12
Remote Name:


Hello susan,im sorry to hear that you felt like you had to get back on those awfull drugs i too was on them for over 2 1/2 years and i have weaned myself off them slowly,after the first four days i felt that i had enough and i needed them back but i suffered and im pleased to say that i have been off them at least a month now hopefully i wont every go back on them,if you just tried to get off them again im sure you would do it this time the rewards of having a baby greatly outway the side effects of the drug,grit your teeth girl and fight back,i know sometimes its easier said than done as ive been there and im still going through the mill now but you can do it and its a great feeling knowing that youve won the battle and you will feel so proud when you can tell people you are clear of the drugs,good luck and think positive!!!! best wishes Mandi

Last changed: August 07, 2003