5.3 YES, a true and fair view?

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From: JTY
Date: 22/06/03
Time: 17:46:02
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Hi Robert,

I read your post and I have to say that I really feel for you. You have been going through so much.

I do understand what it feels like when you lose someone close and the void that it leaves. I was given these words of comfort after my husband died and I want to share them with you........."Hold on to and treasure your memories, no one can take them away".........

You gave Pete the most precious gift you could...your friendship.....whilst he may not be physically here, you will never "lose" him, he will always be there in your mind and in your heart.

There is no doubt that this week is going to be very trying for you. I do hope my words have managed to give you some support rather than cause you more distress.

Remember that someone understands and cares.

Kindest regards to you and Pete's family, your friend, Janet

Last changed: August 07, 2003