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Better than the alternative

From: Barry in Oz
Date: 25/06/03
Time: 15:35:05
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Just read an a post from 'Toddy', and he points out a very, very valid point as far as I see it. This site does not seem to have a great deal of feedback on the positive side of the variety of drugs we are taking.. Hope you don't mind Toddy, I have just cut and pasted a bit of your post to put it in the "recent posts" so people may read it again.... I agree totally with what Toddy wrote..... . .

"I intend to carry on using it for the rest of my life. Who knows what the long term side effects are ? But I know I would rather die at 65 having lived a depression free 30 years than live to 100 suffering the repetitive hell of a 6 week depression every year !!! . . . . . . .

(Barry . . the truth is I don't like the chances of making it to 100 anyway if you have to put up with serious depression forever)


Last changed: November 19, 2003