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To Norma

From: Mrs. D
Date: 27/06/03
Time: 03:38:49
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Norma, I am not a doctor, but I had to wean myself down from 300 mg of Effexor XR down to none. The best way to do it is the slow way. It takes longer, but it is easier on your body and brain and your nerves in the long run. Your body has been used to getting the chemicals in that drug for a long time, so even when you reduce the dose, your body is going to start screaming symptoms. It can be very scary, but if you can stick it out and just remember the most important thing..... it is just exactly that....SYMPTOMS. I promise you.....they will subside with time. I felt the same way you did. I was so VERY ILL from trying to get off of it too fast. Finally I called the makers of Effexor (Wyeth-Ayerst) and one of the pharmacists there recommended and so did my doctor, that the best way to come off of it is by reducing the dose by 37.5 mg PER WEEK. Don't go any faster than that. If you need to reduce it by 37.5 every TWO WEEKS, then do it. Listen to your body, YOU are the one suffering, not us, not your doctor, your friends or anyone else. Effexor has horrible, hellacious, side effects coming off of it. This is very common for a lot of people and until they read some testamonies from a site such as this, the poor things think they are going crazy. I know some folks do wonderfully on it and I am truly happy for them. I did not, but I did come through the withdrawal successfully and you WILL TOO. It is going to be alright, I promise you, I didn't think I would make it either. I had aches, chills, high blood pressure, elevated pulse rate, ringing in my ears, painful joints, felt feverish, low sodium, memory loss, hair loss, sweating, EXTREME anxiety, I thought I would lose my mind!! But all of it passed and I came through it and you will too. If you want to email me, my address is [email protected] God bless, I will say prayers for you.

Last changed: August 07, 2003