5.3 YES, a true and fair view?

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From: Sue
Date: 30/06/03
Time: 19:08:44
Remote Name:


Hi - as regular users will be aware I have had a horrible experience with cipramil. I am thinking about ways to make sense of this experience.

I am going to be studying art next year and I have already started to have a few ideas and make pictures about how it all affected me.

What I would like is to get emails from as many of you as possible about your experiences, either with antidepressants or any other psychiatric meds, how your docs dealt with your concerns, a brief history/outline and anything else of interest - related to the subject! Also where you live.

I'm not sure what form my use of this information would take yet - I'm hoping to get some emails and then start thinking it all over.

This is obviously delicate and if I was going to make use of the stories in any way that would be seen by members of the public - or other people at all I would contact you first. If anonymity is required I can cut the tops off the emails.

I probably wont be using this until after the summer, so I will post this message again.

I hope at least a few of you will participate and I will inform everyone who does so when I have ultimately made use of the stories.

I am only going to be treating subject this in a sympathetic and am keen to be ethical and protect all of our dignity.

My email is [email protected] please dont spam me!!

Thanks in advance

Last changed: August 07, 2003