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for Steve - Breathlessness

From: Jill
Date: 10/07/03
Time: 12:33:42
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I find the breathlessness comes on for no apparent reason, not necessarily if I am doing anything energetic, but sometimes when I am just sitting around. It's a weird sensation because to me it seems different to the overbreathing you experience when having a panic attack, like you says it's the feeling of not being able to get enough air, although I am not gasping or anything like that and it would probably not be obvious to anybody else. I do get it quite alot when travelling, not so much as a passenger in a car but quite alot when I am on the bus, especially if the bus is full or it is very hot. Often when I am travelling to and from work I am constantly aware of my breathing and trying to control it, it usually goes off when I get home. As far as travelling goes I haven't been on a train for ages and would probably feel very nervous if I had to travel anywhere alone, and as for flying, well I haven't flown since the anxiety kicked in about 9 years ago, I don't think I could get on a plane. Also I have a fear of heights which doesn't help. What did your doctor say about your breathing, did he say it was your anxiety, has he ever suggested you taking any medication? Regards, Jill.

Last changed: August 07, 2003