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For Suzanne's collection of stories

From: Jane
Date: 19/07/03
Time: 08:38:30
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I am a 27 year old woman living in Australia. I suppose I started to panic in my last year of university, although I didn't know what was happening at the time. Of course I thought I was going slightly mad. A year later I moved to Australia and within 6 months I started having severe panic attacks which, in retrospect I would say, was combined with depression. After suffering 5 months I went to see a doctor to find out what was wrong. As it turned out he was an expert in panic disorder. He advised me to seek counselling before trying drugs, but within 4 days I was back in his office saying "Give me drugs now!". He prescribed cipramil (10 mg). I remember that the side effects only lasted 10 days and they included yawning, sweating, stomach upset, lack of interest in food. The only side-effect that I could not get rid of was night sweats (which is actually extremely annoying and no good for sharing a bed with someone else). I stayed on the drug for 14 months and slowly weaned myself off by skipping a day between pills and one day I just cut it out. If there were any withdrawl symptoms it was that I felt cranky, but that was quite possibly my real personality coming back! The whole time I took the drug I didn't experience a single panic attack and my life was back to normal. For me it was a wonder drug...until the panic attacks came back 1.5 years later (4 months ago). I am actually quite happy with my life (not depressed) and cannot figure why this horrible thing came back, but I started cipramil again and went to see the doctor. This time it was a bit different. I had a severe panic attack at one point (1 month after) and the night sweats side-effect is worse than ever! In addition, I think this time I have lost the ability to reach orgasm. In general it doesn't feel like it is working this time, but I think that thought is fueled by the knowledge that I didn't "kick" the disorder in the first place...essentially I have lost faith in the drug since the panic attack and consequently the placebo effect accompanying the drug is gone! My doctor prescribed me Effexor XR, but 2 days after taking it (today) I read this site and decided not to get on it! Actually the first and foremost reason for that is I had no idea how expensive it is....and I cannot boast a big salary, thats for sure! I am going to continue with cipramil for now since it keeps panic to a minimum (which is better than before but still not great), and somehow put up with the night sweats unless anyone could suggest a better drug. I know after reading all of your stories that my experience is actually a hell of alot better than most people, but I still wouldn't mind trying another drug that might manage the panic better. Sorry this is so long. I am really happy with this site. Thanks for your help guys!

Last changed: November 19, 2003