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Depersonalisation/cold turkey

From: Dan
Date: 25/07/03
Time: 20:04:34
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Cheers for the response - didn't mean the death thing to sound too suicidal cos I don't think I've got the guts for that. I did quit prozac cold turkey and at the start had like a whole two weeks of crying and panic/anxiety attacks which were the worst I've ever encountered. Since then, I've had quite a few big anxiety attacks and lots of weird thoughts about self-harm (which I never act on). At the moment they're not as bad but it's mainly this unreality and lethargy thing that's pretty crippling.

Got my doc to (finally) refer me to see somebody this afternoon so I'm feeling a bit less panicked. It's kinda weird trying to get your 'old self' back cos after 2 years on meds, you're not quite sure what you're supposed to be like!

Cheers again,


Last changed: August 07, 2003