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From: Jasmine
Date: 19/08/03
Time: 15:07:18
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i had been on seroxat for eight years and started to withdrw recently over a period of three months. i wanted to come off it as i feared the consequences of taking this drug long term - there's been so much publicity about it. i had been to a herbalists who recommended i take valerian, skullcap and vitamin B complex, however, you have to be at least two days clear of the drug before taking any herbal remedies as the two do not mix well at all. anyway, despite withdrawing slowly i have experienced terrible symptoms and i have to say, i NEVER want to go through it again. Symptoms were as follows - sickness, stomach pains, dizziness, tiredness, aching muscles, irritability, anger and suicidal thoughts. i managed two weeks off the drug and had started taking the herbal remedy but i was so poorly i had to go back to my GP. i am now on Ciprimil (i would NEVER go back on seroxat) and have decided to remain on it long term - a lifetime if need be. i think i deserve compensation from the drug company for what i, and thousands of others,had and are having to go through. when i was given a prescription for seroxat all them years ago i was never told about the withdrawal problems - i don't think they even knew about them then. not until recently have i been aware of the terrible effects this drug has on the body when one tries to come off it. GP's give out anti-depressants so easily, they don't warn you of the consequences of taking the drug long term. i know people who have only been on the drug a few weeks and have had awful withdrawals. some people have committed suicide! i feel so angry, does anyone else feel this way? i was never given the full information regarding the use and withdrawal of seroxat. i had to take a month off work because i was so bad so, not only have i been very ill, i'm skint as well now! thanks so much GlaxoSmithKline.....not!!!! i wolud love to hear from others who feel angry and would love to have a good old moan about this.