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Effexor and its side effects and withdraw

From: Alice
Date: 24/08/03
Time: 14:10:28
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I was on Effexor XR for about slightly less than 6 mo. But I was never feeling 'myself'. Then I began to experience all kinds of body/brain problems. I did quit the medicine abruptly,I could not handle its side effects any longer. Now it has been about a month after my discontinuation. I am in living Hell. My mother, though, tells me that I am completely clean of Effexor and should not be experiencing any withdrawal syndroms. Where does her information come from? I am still not able to do anything. Besides, I got on Effexor because I was having severe depression and phobia and anxiety problems, where do I go from here to ease those problems? I feel like killing myself nowadays. My mother scolds me all the time of myself being too fat etc.

I am tired of pain and depresion and phobias.etc.

Any suggestions?

Last changed: August 24, 2003