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do I go off paxil

From: dot
Date: 25/08/03
Time: 01:56:20
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I have been on prozac and then paxil. I feel as if I have no feelings. When I complain to the doctor he ups my paxil. I take the extra half of a pill for a month and then quit taking it because all I do is sleep. I want to know if I am going to feel normal after going off paxil. It was a life saver when I went on it but it seems to be dragging me down. I have comments from my children concerning the way I talk and things I say. Like I don't think before I am saying them. I feel empty inside and feel not emotions. That is the sign of depression but it is the sign of paxil killing my emotions. I can't beleive the complaints about weight gain also. I have been fighting my weight for a long time. Do you loose weight when you go off of Paxil? I know I have ask alot of questions but any help from everyone out there would be wonderful

Last changed: August 25, 2003