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To Saundra

From: Suzanne
Date: 31/08/03
Time: 01:36:32
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Hi Saundra, I can relate to what you're going through.I was on SSRI's for 7 years. I weaned off earlier this year. I have been completely off for 5 and 1/2 months and my ongoing symptom is a feeling of being off balance (for weeks on end) and I get weird pressure in my head, especially the right side. My eye even feels weird. Last night, though, I convinced myself that I have Multiple Sclerosis because it is still so hard for me to believe at times that all this weird physical stuff that's going on with me is from withdrawal! I read too much online trying to diagnose myself with SOMETHING....lol. Anyway, hope this helps. Suzanne

Last changed: August 31, 2003