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From: Jen
Date: 31/08/03
Time: 23:36:19
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I was taking Citalopram for a number of months because I was feeling down, I started feeling worse after 1 month so they the Dr. thought it would be a good idea to up my dose this is when things got 10 times worse. I started with the shakes which I think was my nerves also then began with panic attacks. This made me scared to go out and caused me so many confidence problems, I felt tired withdrawn all the time. My Dr prescribed painkillers with the Citalopram which do not mix. Unfortunately due to the mixture of the painkillers and Citalopram I passed out behind the wheel of my car, so beware and check the guidelines do not always trust your Dr.
After another month I withdrew more and more, my daily routine was a chore for me it got to the stage where I could not lift my head off the pillow people thought I was just lazy. I couldn't cope with daily life due to the panic attacks and tiredness so I admitted myself to the psychiatric ward at my local hospital. They immediately took me off the Citalopram and had no other medication for two days I felt like shit to put it mildly.
I was then put onto a completely different kind of drug Amatryptilyn (sorry if spelt wrong). It took a while to work and I am convinced I was still suffering withdrawals from the Citalopram but now after 6 months without hospitalization and reducing my dosage to the minimum I am now back on track.
My overall thoughts on Citalopram are that no one knows enough about this drug and it is definitely not the right drug for everyone and if you feel odd or unwell on this, trust your own judgment and seek medical help