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EffexorXR Withdrawal

From: Gina
Date: 09/09/03
Time: 06:38:01
Remote Name:


It has been 3 weeks since I have been completely off Effexor and I'm still experiencing withdrawal of various types. First when I started tritating down I had a giant headache for 2 weeks solid, then the brain zaps and severe dizziness for another 2 weeks, after the physical symptoms have improved its turned to an emotional rollercoaster Hell... Horrible rages, radical mood swings and overall just feeling totally lost in my world. I have 2 children under 4 years and this all scares me to death. I agree with those of you out there that this is a medicine that should be taken off the market. It indeed reacts like a poison to your system if you quit taking it. The only reason I know I will get through the withdrawals is because of reading your testimonies, not from anything my doctor warned me about. Thanx.

Last changed: September 09, 2003