5.3 YES, a true and fair view?

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From: Fi
Date: 19/09/03
Time: 11:41:56
Remote Name:


Well Guys I have been free of Seroxat for a week now... the first 4 days were horrible, the worst being the electric shock type feelings in my head and tongue, shakes and sweats and generally feeling crap!! BUT......... the past 3 days have improved big style, I am feeling sooo much better and have started to lose some of that extra weight I have been carrying, I have lost 7lbs in a week without even trying. I know the withdrawal symptoms are really horrible, but if you can ride them out it is well worth it. I am not saying I am symptom free yet, I am still having the odd head shocks more at night than anything and I do have a constant headache but just taking paracetamol or ibuprofen is enough to keep it under control. I will report back again next week to let you know how it is going. Don't give up guys it can be done.

Fi x

Last changed: September 19, 2003