5.3 YES, a true and fair view?

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To dk

From: Gerry ([email protected])
Date: 29/09/03
Time: 00:55:49
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Hi, it's very apparent, as you say, that so many people here have similar or exactly the same symptoms / reactions to Cipramil and other drugs. I think that these SSRIs *may* help a small number of people but, in most cases, the assistance they give has to be balanced against the side effects, inabilty to stop etc without these awful side effects. I have looked into a number of issues in regard to these drugs and found that, in the case of Cipramil, class actions have been taken in the US and the UK and succeeded. There was a famous case in the US where a family took the drug company to court and won a huge settlement, which the company are now appealing. This link is interesting http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/panorama/2321545.stm and there are others. Personally, I have written to a current affairs program here in Australia and I think, wherever anyone is, it's time that people raised the issue with anyone that would be useful in educating the public, and doctors, about the plight so many of us share. I am determined to both stop these tablets, as well as do all I can to promote awareness of their harmful effects. I'm not sure what other people think but I feel that this is the only way that others will be saved from what we seem to all share in terms of side effects and long term damage. I came across this page by accident, imagine all the people who suffer and who don't know it exists ! Until I read others stories, I thought it was just me !! That's why I think that a forum like this is one of the best ways of common support and encouragement. As far as stopping goes dk, it does pay to persevere, bad as the effects of cutting down are, otherwise the cycle begins again and the dependance continues. I'd like to hear anyone elses' comments on all of this.

Last changed: July 07, 2004