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Re-Carol, Cipramil

From: les
Date: 30/09/03
Time: 09:06:10
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Hi Carol i just wanted to thank you for your posting regarding ciprimal, its nice to read some positive feedback, everything seems to be a bit negative and although it was a releif to read that others had the same side effects as me, lets face it Im anxious enough and then I read that the side effects dont stop and a bad drug and hard to come off (my mum was on cipramil and she came off it easilly) and I started thinking OH NO shouLd I be on this, shouLd i come off it, before I cant come off it, etc etc This is my 10th day on cipramil and physicalLy im not 100% and the side effects are a bit bad stilL but then the doc did say it took 3 weeks to kick in, emotionally im feeLing a good bit better so maybe the good points do outweigh the bad and carol thanks for making me reaLise that there is perhaps Light at the end of the tunnel. i mean I know everyone is different and at the end of the day they are just telLing everyone about their own experience but more success stories would be good on this forum! Take Care, les x

Last changed: September 30, 2003