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From: Sally
Date: 06/10/03
Time: 21:20:18
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When I was prescribed Cipramil for my panic attacks I immediately looked it up on the net to get any info re the side effects, etc. I was really concerned when I read so many negative reactions to it here, especially re coming off it. Like someone else who wrote here I was worried about coming off it before I even began taking it. Anyway I've been on it now for almost two weeks,,,started according to my doc's instructions, one quarter pill for 4 days, one half pill for 4 days then start taking one pill a day. I did feel a bit sluggish and a bit out of it the first few days,,,, but no bad side effects and I am starting to feel better, they do say it takes at least 3 weeks to kick in so I am waiting and I'm glad I stuck with it even though I was really nervous about taking it. So if anyone out there is prescribed Cipramil - give it a go and don't think that the negative things written about it apply to you, and if they do then go back to doctor and get a different type of pill, there are so many,,,,,