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To Alison C.

From: Suzanne Re: Citralopam
Date: 13/10/03
Time: 14:23:15
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I am not sure how long you were on citralopam and how long you have been off. I was on it for 3 years and before that various other SSRI antidepressants. I was up to 60 mg a day on citralopam (Celexa in the US) and weaned myself off from January 2003 through March 2003, probably not a long enough period of time. Anyway, I am still experiencing withdrawal problems, though I have much better days than not lately. Please try and read through my past posts under Suzyw64 or Suzanne to see what I have been through. Also, there is a girl named Suzannah, who posts as Sue, who shares a lot of what methods she used to try and deal with withdrawal. I think you have to just ride it out, as awful as it is, and try to take extra care of yourself. I cut out caffeine, take a lot of hot soaks in the tub,drink a lot of water, and exercise, even just walking, to get those feel good chemicals naturally flowing through your body again. I don't want to discourage you, but you may have to prepare yourself for a bumpy ride, or you may be fortunate and your withdrawal will end much quicker than mine, as I was on an SSRI for 7 years. As far as the weight, mine just gradually came off after I stopped taking them. Best of luck to you.


Last changed: November 19, 2003