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Making My Day- To Kat and Simon

From: Clarinder
Date: 22/10/03
Time: 12:49:48
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Kat and Simon,

Thank you so very much for your help and advice. I was really starting to think that I would end up back on Seroxat, my thought and head is so confused sometimes and I feel so anxious about little things. I even stopped taking St John's Wort believing that this was causing these feelings. I have good days and bad days on the bad days I really feel as if I am not with it!, it feels as if I have a whole pile of cotton wool in my head and there is just no room to take in anything and trying to focus and concentrate is terrible, I even feel that nervous and anxious I could literally be sick. On my good days I feel just fine all these thoughts go away. I tried taking Omega 3 to try and help rebuild the recpetors but the fish oils seemed to be seaping through my skin and the spots just broke out in masses. How long will it take before the serontonin finds it balance? Should I start taking St Johns wort again, or is there still large levels of seroxat in me after a month?

Your advice really appreciated.

Last changed: November 19, 2003