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From: cant have a normal life want to get off the merry go round
Date: 25/10/03
Time: 15:02:58
Remote Name:


someone please tell me it is possible to get off klonapin! I am now 43 and after an accident which left me with face reconstruction I was put on antideppresents and benzos now I am on clonazapam and trazadon they put me right to sleep I could sleep the rest of my life I have slept 22 hours in a day help me I want off as far as effexor and other anti-depressent drugs I have gone through withdrawl symptoms but they were not so severe because of the benzos I just go back to bed I need to get a real job and a real life someone out there answer me please everytime I reduce the amount I am taking by .5mg I get to about 2mg and then any little problem in life sends me back to a higher dose and I feel useless I am 60lbs over weight have no desire to exercise used to be personal trainer and aerobics instructor should I just take the whole bottle of both medicines? I cant live like this anymore and my doctor is no help he has no time to listen I really am not intending to end my life but I feel it is already over nothing gives me pleasure anti-depresents don't help it sucks sorry for spelling it also effects you intellect

Last changed: November 19, 2003