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From: Harriet
Date: 31/10/03
Time: 09:59:50
Remote Name:


I was diagnosed with acute stress reaction/depression and placed on Cipramil 20 mg. The only side effect I had was a dry mouth and to combat this I carried a bottle of water around with me. My dosage was increased to 40 mg which I took for about 6 weeks. I have to be honest and say that I felt worse on the cipramil at that dosage, they were just too strong for my system. As I did not want to take SSRI's long term, I decided to withdraw from them. I was on Cipramil for 4 months this time around but have taken it before too. I have experienced incredible dizziness and irritability which at the start was very hard to cope with. I am now in my 4th week of withdrawal and the withdrawal symptoms are improving. I plan on taking ST John's Wort instead. I hope that other people who plan on coming off Cipramil manage to do so with minimum side effects. I was quite relieved to discover this site and found comfort in the fact that other people were experiencing these symptoms too.

Last changed: November 19, 2003