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Cipramil and Eye Twitches

From: Kev
Date: 23/11/03
Time: 15:23:12
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Hiya all,

I'd be really grateful if somebody could help me.

I took Cipramil for just 4 days about 5 weeks ago. 20mg a day. I took the Cipramil to control anxiety caused by workplace bullying. I had to stop. Had all sorts of side effects including bad constipation, difficulty urinating, feeling lethargic and empty, tightness in throat, yawning, laughing fits (great fun they were actually). I found it hard to focus my vision and felt very out of it. I also had hot feelings in my hands and a twitch in my right eyelid.

The twitch never went away. In fact it is now spread to my left lower eyelid. I am taking no other tablets and never took an SSRI or any other psychoactive drug before the Cipramil. I am getting pretty worried. Has anybody else had this effect after stopping? Could they share their experiences with me?



Last changed: November 23, 2003