5.3 YES, a true and fair view?

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From: sharon mahon
Date: 29/11/03
Time: 13:26:53
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Can anybody understand what sort of a nightmare it is to be on venlafaxine/effexor never mind the withdrawl symptoms of coming off. I was prescibed venlafaxine along with trazadone for what the doctors & psychiatrists thought were symptoms of severe depression! After years of not getting any better with symptoms of chronic fatigue tremours, speech disturbances, memory loss, severe muscle & joint pains, visual disturbances,etc,etc, and of course the usuall attitude of every one around you of "PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER" or "WHAT NOW" or the infamous last words of the kids and hubby "What's for tea", the diagnosis eventually was made of M.E or chronic fatigue syndrome. So, time to stop taking the little pills of doom! Not as easy as it sounds believe me. After reading other peoples comments on this site, I am comforted to know I,m not alone in this nightmare and I too have the brain shivers/shocks, the nausea, the headaches , the joint pains and although I,m surrounded by my family, I feel totally alone because everyone expects you to still function as normal. Does anyone else feel this way? I am now only taking a small bite of a venlafaxine tablet each day and am dreading the day I stop for good but I am going to persevere whatever it takes. So to all of you who are taking or coming off any type of addictive drug (my view,not the doctors!) my thoughts are with you, my tears are for you, and my heart hopes you make it. God Bless You All. xxx

Last changed: November 29, 2003